These figures have found, have created for themselves an elevated corner of brightness removed from the forces roiling beneath them...
In hiding his features, this figure of a man reveals so much. We see something in him, perhaps a secret, a thing suppressed, and he seems abashed at the revelation...
“Feeling Rome”
There seems a sense of salesmanship here, of someone selling a notion of this storied and romanticized city...
The order of elements here is quite fascinating: the figures rendered first, and then “overlapped” by semi-abstract, architectural iconography...
A dance of dreams in the mind of child. The parent provides the background music, the motivation behind his child’s movement through imagination and life...
“Leda Complications”
This enigmatic and alluring work leaves one with more questions than answers. Are these the complications of some sort of birth?..
“The Nun”
A sense of peace radiates from this alluring drawing by Nika. Yet the source of that peace is an interesting subject to ponder...
“See Art”
It’s difficult to avoid seeing in this interesting portrait the youthful visage of a young Romeo, reaching out an open hand to Juliet on her balcony...
This portrait implies a certain peace with the subject’s surrounding environment. Yet to achieve this equity, this equilibrium, we must give something of ourselves.
The minimalistic portraiture common to the Renaissance period is a deceptively difficult artistic endeavor.
This amalgam of techniques is a representation of creativity from the Renaissance to more modern times. There’s a sense of homage here in the distorted portrait,
"The Duke of"
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
"What She Wants"
An expression of a woman’s dreams, these tangled threads and themes are difficult to define, near-impossible to tease apart, even by the subject herself.
"The Gentleman"
A mysterious, perplexing figure, hidden behind a curtain of dark shadows. The quirky, confident smile leaves a lasting impression in the viewer,
"The Beauty of the 21st Century
Simple yet so complex, calm yet so determined, fragile yet so strong. Is there a question in her look or an assertion?
Son Who Stayed
Here seems a rift between the father’s world and this new life beyond that existence beckoning to the young man. And it’s within this breach or portal the duo seems struggling.